Phone Consultation
Wondering where to start?
Are you...
A new mom and not sure how to get started back into exercise?
Pregnant and not sure what's safe and what's not?
Experiencing pelvic floor issues such as incontinence and you want it to STOP?
Confused with all the information out there on what to do in each trimester of pregnancy?
Afraid to start an exercise program because you have a prolapse?
Navigating some new aches and pains and need some direction on what to do to help?
Wanting to start moving, but not sure how/what/when to get started?
You know you need to start lifting weights to build bone density but find it all so overwhelming?
Let's Chat!
If you are considering any of my coaching, let’s book A FREE 15 minute phone consultation! Let’s make sure I’m the coach for you.
Let me know what your pre/postnatal or peri-menopausal struggles are and lets see if you are the right fit for my coaching. But ALSO, you can determine if I am the person to guide you. Register below to get started!
Request a Phone Consultation
Whether you're just getting started in fitness, focused on reaching a specific fitness goal, need help on what exercises to do when pregnant or postpartum or …. need some guidance in your peri-menopause years, please complete the form below to request a phone consultation. You'll receive a response within 48 hours, excluding weekends.