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Healthy Habit Changes - Just one at a time.
What if...instead of going ALL IN, you just changed one thing.
And instead of taking something unhealthy away, you ADD something positive.
Sometimes we beat ourselves up because we had a bad day/weekend/week. And we say: 'Starting tomorrow, I'm cutting all sugar, wheat, alcohol and I'm going to exercise 6 days this week.'
Ok maybe not all of that - but you get the point,
There's so much information out there right now about what you should be eating; what's bad for you, what omegas you're not getting, and so on and so on. It seems to change A LOT and it can be frustrating to keep up.
If you're stressed about what you 'should be' eating, don't be.
Make one change. Choose an apple instead of chocolate covered granola bar. Go for a walk instead of turning on the tv. Make a meal instead of hitting the Mcdonalds drive thru. Get your kids to eat a new vegetable. Become aware of the labels on your food.
We don't have to all go gluten free, dairy free, PALEO, KETO or whatever the current trend may be. Do what works for you, and don't try to do it all today.
What if...instead of going ALL IN, you just changed one thing.
Just one.
And instead of taking something unhealthy away, you ADD something positive.
Here are some examples:
This week, I'm going to drink a glass of lemon water when I wake up.
Or this week, I'm going to drink tea at night.
Or this week, I'm going to try to get an hour extra sleep.
Or this week, I'm going to add more vegetables at lunch.
Or this week, I'm going to add more protein in the morning.
Or this week, I'm going to take the stairs to the office.
Or this week, I'm going to meditate for 5 minutes every day.
Or this week, I will take a smaller portion of dinner.
Or this week, I will walk every day for 15 minutes.
Walking is a great way to move your body, clear your head, and/or connect with your kids.
You will be more likely to stick with that ONE change for the whole week, rather than doing a whole bunch of changes for 7 days. It's too hard to try to do it all once. You're more likely to just give up cause it's too damn hard.
Forget about what your friends, neighbours and relatives are doing.
Do what works for you. And do it slowly. One thing at a time.
And for more ideas on small habit changes, check out the wonderful community over at Healthy Habits Happy Moms .